Pause Gymnastics
These are important as they strengthen and stretch muscles; stimulate circulation;
ease the static loads on muscles; and reduce the feeling of tiredness often associated
with long periods of keyboard work.
WARNING - If you experience any PAIN or DISCOMFORT - cease the particular
exercise immediately. General instructions for the exercises are as follows:
- All exercises should be done standing up, with the feet slightly apart (unless
otherwise stated).
- Loose fitting clothes will help considerably and it is advisable to wear flat
shoes for all exercise sessions.
- Make sure that you have sufficient room to move and stretch.
- The exercises should be done at the beginning and end of a session at the
keyboard. No keyboard session should last for more than one hour without a break.
- The exercises should be carried out SLOWLY and CAREFULLY.
- The numbers given for the exercises are the MINIMUM and MAXIMUM number of
times each exercise should be performed.
Pause gymnastics have been developed by qualified physiotherapists to help
keyboard operators to relax, reduce body tension, improve breathing and circulation
and reduce stress.
You should build up several routines comprising of between 5 and 8 exercises.
A sample routine is given below.
Sample Routine
Pause Gymnastics Exercises
Your routines should have a variety of exercises. Choose the individual exercises
from the various categories listed - shoulders, breathing, head and neck, posture,
legs, hands and arms, and face and eyes.


Head and Neck


Hands and Arms

Face and Eyes
For more information