Editor's Note
 Editor's Note
 Firewall and Virtual  Networks with Linux
 Hints for Creating Web  Pages
 Windows Security - II
 To be an IT Specialist  and to be a Southerner
 Billions of Dollars Have  Been Wasted!
 Neck & Back Problems  of Office Workers
 CISN Archive
 Send Feedback

Hi everybody,

In this issue of CISN, we will continue to share with our readers the hottest issues and up-to-date news about information technologies.

Please visit the following link if you'd like to see the content of CISN in Turkish;


As we are celebrating the 10th year of Internet in Turkey, the 8th issue of CISN continues to introduce to our readers useful information on various range of topics. In this issue, for the first time in CISN's history, we have been honored by the articles of people who are not members of Computer Center but who are professionals of the IT sector. We gratefully acknowledge their contributions to our journal. These guest writers are Prof. Halil Koyuncu from University of Istanbul Cerrahpaşa Medical School - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitiation Department and Eylem Cülcüloğlu who is the one of the authors of IT-Business Weekly journal.

Many thanks to the following Computer Center staff whose perpetual contribution to CISN are sincerely and gratefully acknowledged; graphical designer Yasemin Saatçioğlu-Oran; statistician Ulaş Sunata; translator Deniz Yönter; promotion specialist Nilgün Öner and our secretaries Işık Özgen and Sibel Sergin.

The following are the articles of this issue and their authors:

Selçuk Han Aydın - Creating Firewall and Virtual Networks with Linux Operating System; using firewall software and firewalling solutions at the level of kernel of the Linux operating system against security attacks...

Cihan Yıldırım-Yücel - Hints for Creating Web Pages; points that has to be noticed, little hints for an effective and productive personal web site that everyone will probably have in the near future...

İbrahim Çalışır - Windows 2000/XP Desktop Security; medium-level security settings and policies, keeping log files and how to do the settings of user accounts on the computers with Windows 2000 / XP operating system...

Ulaş Sunata - To be an Informational Technologies Specialist and to be a Southerner; "digital class", the effects of digital divide and South - North polarization to the IT specialists and brain drain... From the M.S. thesis submitted to the Dept. of Sociology of METU with the title Not A "Flight" From Home But "Potential Brain Drain" prepared in September 2002.

Eylem Cülcüloğlu - Billions Of Dollars Have Been Wasted!; increase in the number of "spam mail" which is defined as unwanted e-mail and its losses... From the article that is published in the 176th issue of the IT-Bussiness Weekly journal.

Prof. Dr. Halil Koyuncu - The Neck and Back Problems of Office Workers and Guidelines for Prevention and Recovery; one of the most important muscular and skeletal disorders, the neck and back problems of office workers, especially computer users caused by improper posture and improper use...

Please send the topics you are curious to read about in the next issues to cisn@metu.edu.tr

Looking forward to see you again in the 9th issue which will be published in August...


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