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 Listproc Web Interface (Lp-Web)

Listproc Web Interface, lp-web in short, is a collection of cgi scripts to ease the use of Listproc. As it may be known, Listproc is the server program used for administering the mailing lists at METU, and interface to this server program was through sending email. That is, if you want to subscribe to any of the METU mailing lists, you had to send an email containing the command

"subscribe list_name Name Surname".

In fact, you had to send email to listproc@metu.edu.tr to use any of the Listproc's commands such as subscribe to or unsubscribe from any list, configuring your settings of the list you subscribed, or administering a list if you're the owner of that list.

With the introduction of lp-web, nearly all of the Listproc commands can be sent to Listproc through the www pages. With lp-web, you can;

  • See a list of currently available lists for you at METU
  • Subscribe to or unsubscribe from lists
  • Configure your list settings
  • Reach the archives of the lists that you subscribed.

If you are the owner of a list, you can;

  • Administer the memberships (adding/removing members)
  • Change lists settings (including who can post to the list and who can subscribe to the list).

To be able to use lp-web, you must first register to the lp-web interface. The www address of lp-web is


If you are using lp-web the first time, then you must register yourself to lp-web by clicking "Registration Form". After you filled and submitted the Registration Form, you will receive a confirmation email, which is posted to the email address you provided in the Registration Form. By simply replying confirmation email, you can complete your Registration to lp-web. Once you complete your registration to lp-web, you are able to update your registration information anytime, using the form accessed through "Change your registration info" link.

Before registering, please read the notes at the main page (http://listproc.metu.edu.tr:9000/). If you're personnel at METU, you probably don't need to register, because all academic and administrative staff have been automatically registered to lp-web with their "@metu.edu.tr" addresses. If you don't want to use your METU account at central servers, however, you may want to register again with your other email address. After a successful registration, you should be able to login lp-web by clicking the "Login the lp-web interface" link at the main page.

Lp-web interface has been originally written by CREN. Computer Center, tried to adopt these cgi-scripts for the users of METU, as well as adding a few little scripts (for METU requirements) to the Interface.

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