Foresights on technology for 2009
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At the end of 2008 different foresights were put forward by some persons and establishments for the changes to come in 2009 in the IT Industry. Below are the models to those opinions foresighted:

According to Tom Merrit, an editor of CNET:

  1. A real serious security issue, which will bring about the need for the Internet to be recreated, will be lived through.
  2. The Internet will slow down and the service providers will have to bring in various limitations to take the situation under control.
  3. Google's cell phones with Android operating system will precede the iPhone.
  4. Mind controlled game consoles, on which specifically Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo are doing some serious research will enter the market. However, unexpected situations will be encountered in the operation of these systems.
  5. GPS devices chiefly standalone GPS devices market will disappear. The usage of smart phone geared with GPS system will increase considerably.

According to the common prophecy of the leading IT industry firms:

  1. There will be a slowdown and maybe a collapse in the Internet, due to intensity.
  2. A big hardware vendor will end its activity.
  3. Disney/Microsoft/CBS will buy Yahoo.
  4. Bill Gates will become the most prominent person of technology in U.S.
  5. The magnetic field the electrical appliances radiate will pose serious issues.

What most resources agree on is the security issues probable to be encountered with the Internet. The threats that are foreseen to be likely to arrive via the attacks from the Internet in 2009 are classified in four groups:

  1. E-bombs: In 2008, due to a breach found in the TCP protocol, which carries almost all of the communication on the Internet, nearly all communication was faced with the risk of being cut. If the attempts aimed at finding breaches in the Cisco router devices become fruitful, computer pirates will start an attack that would make many sites and data centers inaccessible. It is assumed that the bot (a computer remotely controlled by someone else) networks used for sending spam e-mail will be utilized for such attacks.
  2. Radical hackers: There is an expectation that 2009 will be the year when mid-east cyber crime groups will resort to e-robbery and fraud. That some religious authorities proclaimed cyber attacks as permissible in order to protect the religion, is looked upon as sure to trigger the process. Due to ongoing wars and political unrest, cyber attacks aimed at certain countries is expected to continue increasingly.
  3. Advertisement Robbery: According to a report by an IT safety company, the malicious software circulating on the Internet is increasing by 6 per cent every month and the risk of encountering this type of malicious software increases by 16 per cent each year. The primary aim of these ads is to show the visitors appear to have clicked on these ads and to obtain ill-gotten gains. The Adwords system of Google, which holds the greatest market share, is the first target in this regard.
  4. Loss of life: In 2008 due to malicious software that has penetrated into systems, computers and Windows based health devices of some hospitals in Great Britain and U.S.A, the services provided to those hospitals were affected adversely. In 2009 it is feared that such attacks, which are expected to be made, may lead to loss of lives due to hindered services and stream of information.

Compiled from the resources below:

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