The busiest PC Room of the Computer Center in the Dormitories is the 2nd
Dormitory PC Room with 3,819 operations. The total number of operations carried
out in the PC Room, which is opened very recently (2nd Dormitory-3)
is 1,419.
The Distribution of Advisor Approvals According to the Approval Days:
According to the 2000-2001 Spring term registration statistics, the total number
of advisor approvals carried out via the registration program between 5-9 February
and 19-23 February 2001 is 28,728.
The maximum number of approvals during the registration period was on February
9th, 2001 with 8,058 approvals.
The maximum number of approvals during the add-drop period was on February
23rd, 2001 with 8,306 approvals (This is the last day of the
add-drop period).
The graph makes it obvious that the approvals during the add-drop period are
more than the number of approvals carried out during the registration period.
The Distribution of Advisor Approvals: (GRAPH)
According to the 2000-2001 Spring term registration statistics, the total number
of advisor approvals carried out via the registration program between 5-9 February
and 19-23 February, 2001 is 28,728.
97% of the operations (27,768 operations) are carried out to approve,
3% of the operations (960 operations) adet are carried out to remove the approval.
When these numbers and the number of the students that registered themselves
via the registration program are compared, it is seen that approximately 2 approvals
were carried out for each student.
IBM F80 (beluga):
The IBM F80 system, namely BELUGA, was introduced into service in Computer
Center in the year 2000, and it has recently begun serving for interactive services.
A big range of licensed software (2000 version), and interactive services, such
as e-mail, are available on this system.
The technical properties of the system are as follows:
Operating System AIX 4.3
CPU 450 MHz (4/4 unit)
Memory 2 GB
New Software:
Computer Center has made available the following software within the scope
of licensed software purchases for the University between January and April of
Marc Patran
Marc Superforge
Users can find detailed information about these software on the following address;
Patran provides a software environment for its users performing simulation
of mechanical products.
Patran enables the user to conceptualize, develop and test a product using
computer-based simulation prior to making manufacturing and material commitments.
By using Patran, engineers can create finite element models from their computer-aided
design (CAD) parts, submit these models for simulation, and visualize the simulated
model behavior.
SuperForge is a tool for forging engineers to analyze industrial forging processes.
It is a self-contained product that includes its own Graphical User Interface,
which speaks the language of the forging shop. It provides an environment in which
the forging engineer sets up his forging process, runs the simulation and evaluates
the forging simulation results.
Mathcad is a tool for applying mathematics. It provides an environment of inherent
interactivity, featuring:
A familiar scratchpad interface,
Real math notation,
Automatic recalculation that allows for immediate
Fully integrated project components.
Mathcad automatically updates results. It integrates text, math, and graphics
into a single worksheet to visualize, illustrate, and annotate all the calculations.
Mathcad 2000 runs on PC platform (MS Windows 95/98/NT).
PC Rooms:
The management of PC Rooms has been improved as a result of both the evaluation
of the questionairre about the PC Rooms, which was performed between March 20th
- 24th, 2001, and the evaluation of the user demands that were conveyed
to hot-line service. The improvements are as follows:
16 PCs (Pentium120/32MB)
were released as a result of the improvements carried out in the PC Room at the
upper floor of Dormitory 2nd. These PCs contributed to the opening
of the 3rd PC Room in Dormitory 2nd.
The demands about the issue
urged us to render the Social Sciences PC Room available in week days from 12:00
to 13:00 PM as well.
The PC Lab on the second floor
of the 2nd Dormitory is reserved for the users to study in groups in
a more free environment.
For an easier access to printing
services, printers have been located and are ready to serve in central locations
as Social Sciences PC Room and 3rd PC Room in the 2nd
Dormitory (one printer for each).
All other demands from our users are also considered, and necessary changes
will take effect in the shortest possible time.