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 Health & Computers

Musculoskeletal Discomfort

As with any activity that involves sitting for long periods of time, using a computer can make your muscles sore and stiff. To minimise these effects, set up your work environment carefully and take frequent breaks to rest tired muscles.

Another type of musculoskeletal concern is repetitive stress injuries (RSIs), also known as cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) [or Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS)]. These problems can occur when a certain muscle or tendon is repeatedly overused and forced into an unnatural position.

One RSI discussed more often today, is a wrist problem called carpal tunnel syndrome, which may be aggravated by improper use of computer keyboards. This nerve disorder results from excessive pressure on the median nerve as it passes through the wrist to the hand.

No one, of course, can guarantee that you won't have problems even when you follow the most expert advice on using computer equipment. You should always check with a qualified health specialist if muscle, joint, or eye problems occur .

Eye fatigue

Eye fatigue can occur whenever the eyes are focused on a nearby object for a long time. This problem occurs because the eye muscles must work harder to view an object that's closer than 6 metres. Improper lighting can hasten the development of this problem Although eye fatigue is annoying, there's no evidence that it causes permanent damage.

Whenever you're engaged in an activity that involves close-up work--such as reading a magazine, doing craft work, [draughting on a drawing board], or using a computer--be sure to have sufficient glare-free lighting, give your eyes frequent rest breaks by looking up and focusing on distant objects, and remember to have your eyes examined regularly .

Electromagnetic Emissions

Recently, questions about the possible health effects of prolonged exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) and very low frequency (VLF) electromagnetic fields have been raised. The issue encompasses not video display terminals (computer displays), but also other electromagnetic sources such as electrical wiring, televisions and household appliances.

To be continued with "Pause Gymnastics"…

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