Computer Center was founded in 1964 and its name was then
"Electronic Computation Center". The aim of the Center was to provide the
computer technologies of the time to University community. From that day
on, Computer Center is committed to renew itself in accordance with the
necessities of being in tune with the fast pace of technology in computer
world and the Center tried to ensure that University has access to the
best computing resources possible. The main objective of the Center is
to strive eagerly to be able to respond efficiently to both technological
and administrative infrastructure demands of the University.
The first Internet connection of Turkey, the first TT
net connection and the first wireless communication application among
the universities in Turkey, the first student information service provided
on Internet and first application of domain name service with ".tr" extension
are carried out by CC. These services are provided by the intense efforts
of Computer Center to contribute to the progress of the University and
CC aims to enhance the computing capabilities of METU
by achieving the level of outstanding institutions of the world. Keeping
this in mind, Computer Center continuously undertakes other initiatives
and tasks with the help of innovative, productive, dynamic and hardworking
staff, which are able to respond to huge and complex workload. 65% of
the Center's staff is below the age of 36 and 61% of the staff is comprised
of university graduates either with graduate or masters degree.
Within the organisational structure of the CC, there are
6 groups working under the Head of the Center. The main tasks undertaken
by these groups are as follows:
Network Group: This group is mainly
responsible from the installation, management and operation of campuswide
local area networking (ATM) and off-campus wide area networking (ULAKNET,
TTNet, Dial-up etc.). Providing ftp.metu.edu.tr service and handling
technical affairs of domain name service are among the other tasks
of the group.
Technical Support Group: This group
is mainly responsible from the installation of all the central servers
and operation of all the services available on these servers. Providing
technical support to Computer Labs, which are used by our students,
is another main task of this group.
Administrative Applications Group: The group acts
to provide consultancy and support while University administrative units are being
automated. The group is focused on developing projects and assisting in the implementation
of existing projects. Among the diverse projects there are: Student Information
System, Academic CV System, Personnel System, Library Automation System.
User Support Group: This group can be
referred to as the interface between the Computer Center and the users.
User Code service, Hot-line service, user seminars, documentation,
instructive Booklets and various publications, licensed software/package
programs, CC Library, administration of PC labs are among the main
responsibilities of this group.
Informatics Group: The group provides
the users with computer resources on various platforms, designs the
METU and CC web pages and prepares the content of these pages. Electronic
communication means, such as discussion lists and newsgroup services
are among the resources that this group provides. The group also provides
technical support for users who use METU web server. A graphical design
unit in the group designs and prepares various posters, brochures
and notices for announcements.
Administrative Support Group: This group
is responsible from planning the purchase of software, hardware, infrastructure
materials and other devices in accordance with the needs of the CC
and the University. The administrative task of purchasing process
is carried out by this group. Furthermore, domestic services like
secretaryship, human resources activities within CC, statistical evaluation
and reporting, translation services, storing of goods/property, photocopy,
cleaning services, beverage service is also within the responsibility
of Administrative Support Group.
